Caleb Thomas broke the Bryant freshman record in the long jump at a meet at North Little Rock on Thursday, April 23. The leap covered 21 feet, 8 inches.
With a thin group of thinclads this spring, Junior Hornets coach Bart Reynolds praised his crew, saying, “This is one of those years we have so few kids, I am kind of letting the kids have more input in what they want to run simply because we want them to have fun.”
Thomas, he added, has consistently provided highlights.
“Caleb has placed in the top three in the 100 and 200 meter dashes in every meet,” Reynolds noted. “He does well in the triple jump too.”
With a thin group of thinclads this spring, Junior Hornets coach Bart Reynolds praised his crew, saying, “This is one of those years we have so few kids, I am kind of letting the kids have more input in what they want to run simply because we want them to have fun.”
Thomas, he added, has consistently provided highlights.
“Caleb has placed in the top three in the 100 and 200 meter dashes in every meet,” Reynolds noted. “He does well in the triple jump too.”